Artists & Friends & Coffee


One of the coolest things about running a pedal company is getting to connect with and build pedals for countless artists and touring musicians who share a passion for gear, tone, and excellence in their craft.  Here's a brief list of some players who have or are currently using Analog Endeavors in the studio or out on the road :

Tom Renaud [Lord Huron]

Clay Sears [Jay Z, Rihanna, Common]

Takeshi Akimoto [Ziggy Marley Band]

Tyler Burkum [Mat Kearney, The Cactus Blossoms]

Daniel Chae [Run River North]

Chris Furst [Studio65]

Danny O'Brien [Now, Now, Hot Dad Labs Studio]

Joe Harrier III [Kat Perkins, River Valley Church]

Jason Isbell [Jason Isbell]

Danny Johnson [Young Mister]

Izaak Burkhart [Dan+Shay]

Steve Bosmans [Caitlyn Smith, Now, Now]

Zach Zurn [Carpet Booth Studio]

& F R I E N D S

I'm also inclined to share a list of companies I feel especially loyal to.  These companies have demonstrated incredible customer service, innovation, and a commitment to the user/player experience.  Check 'em out and I think you'll experience that same commitment for yourself!  Many of these companies also play nicely with Analog Endeavors gear :D 

Chase Bliss Audio

Strymon Engineering


EarthQuaker Devices

Disaster Area



& C O F F E E

Last but not least!  Some current favs : 

Heart Roasters

Ruby Roasters

Dogwood Coffee

Huckleberry Roasters